10 years of Eataly in the capital
It's the beginning of April in Minnesota. Last week, the last snow just melted and yesterday was a beautiful, clear day. A perfect day for a hike! And that's great because my first big hiking/backpacking trip of the season is in two months.
“Along the Tiber … Rome”, the manifestation of the Roman summer comes of age
"Along the Tiber ... Rome", the manifestation of the Roman Summer comes of age
80 evenings of entertainment, between mid-June and late August, along the banks of the Tiber. Also this year the symbolic event of the Roman summers returns. Let's talk about "Along the Tiber ... Rome". "Our goal is to enhance the Tiber - explained the organizer Lorenzo Marsili - taking care of the environment and exploiting its social and cultural potential. We are proud to offer Rome once again an opportunity for quality summer evening entertainment. of safety, respect for the environment and the rights of the inhabitants of the historic center [click on the title]
Free Museums in Rome
Who said you have to wait for the first Sunday of the month, and the #Domenica al museo initiative, to get free admission to Rome's museums? There are at least 20 free museums in Rome all year round. Some are open regularly, others can only be visited by appointment; many, as we shall see, also offer free guided tours.
We have made a list of Rome's museums for free all year round, and we have organized it by areas of interest ranging from archeology to contemporary art. With some curiosity. There is certainly a lot to see and discover, and it is worth visiting them. Free entry is really just a pretext. So let's get started!